Depending upon the type of course your are enrolled, an e-Certificate is issued on course completion.
Course: Quran Reading With Tajweed
Course: Quran Translation
Once the student have read the whole of Quran with us, we issue an Electronic Certificate (see a sample below) certifying that the student has indeed studied the complete holy book with ‘Learn Quran Kids‘.
Course: Hifz (Quran Memorization)
1 – On Hifz completion, a test will be conducted by the teacher and our Head Quran Teacher
2 – If the student passes this test then an e-Certificate will be issued with the marks obtained
3 – Passing Marks are 80%
Purpose of e-Certificate
Its very important to realize that in the current times, getting your kids to learn Quran has become very difficult due to so many distractions around them. The time they have spent in learning the book of ALLAH could have been easily spent in wasting time else where or even spent in some other learning hence this certificate is also to encourage the student and act as a recognition of their efforts they have put to Learn Quran.
Note that this e-certificate is just a small way to encourage your kids to complete the course and help them not to drop but the true reward rest at ALLAH in the form of paradise – inshallah!
We pray that the students read the holy Quran in the best of the manner and obey the commandments put forward by their creator (ALLAH) in his book – Ameen.
Note for Parents/Students
Being a responsible parent, you must ensure that you don’t treat this e-certificate as some thing to boast upon and don’t treat it as some thing which gives them a feeling that you have learnt enough. In fact they have just started and you need to continue to improve on it and that can only be done with regular Quran study. The e-certificate also adds a responsibility that now as they have learnt Quran, its now their responsibility as well to spread the word to Learn Quran!
Sample e-Certificate
Below is a sample ‘Quran Reading with Tajweed’ course completion certificate. This will be customized for the student on their completion of their course.
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