How Quran translation course works?
Learn the meaning / translation & summary of the verses of Quran
Class Duration
30 minutes
Age 8 or above and must have finished reading Quran once
Based on your subscription. Classes can be 3, 5 or 6 days a week.
Course Contents
- Understand the summary / context of the surah / Quranic verse
- Learn the surah’s Arabic translation word by word
- Learn the full translation of the surah
- Learn the benefits of reciting the surah
- Start from the 30th chapter and then from the first chapter
- If required, we can focus on selected Quranic surah first before starting from the first chapter of Quran for translation course
We conduct regular tests in the course to ensure:
- Students know the meaning and translation of individual Arabic words in the surah e.g. the meaning of each word in: قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ النَّاسِ
- Can recall the translation of the whole surah
- Can recall the context of the surah
- Can recall some basic statistics of the surah e.g. makki/madni, surah number
- Can recall benefits of reciting the surah

All courses comes with a complete 60 days Money Back Guarantee hence you have nothing to lose!
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